Werrington Branch Quiz Night 17th October 2015 TBA Werrington Branch Quiz Night At Cheddleton Village Hall. Hollow Lane, Cheddleton, ST13 7HP Further details to follow.
SMCA Executive Meeting 27th July 2015 7.30pm Staffordshire Moorlands Conservative Association Executive Meeting at the Silken Strand, 64 St.Edwards Sreeet, Leek. ST13 5 DL
Leek Show 25th July 2015 9am - 5pm Leek Show Come along to our Staffordshire Moorlands Conservative Association stand Have a seat, relax, have a drink and a chat. During the day, our MP Karen Bradley, District Councillors,
Race Night 14th March 2015 TBC Leek Branch Race Night At Leek Conservative Club, Mill Street Leek more details soon
Patrons Club Event 26th February 2015 7pm An Evening with Jeremy LeFroy M.P. Stafford Cheese and Wine At BASFORD HALL, Staffordshire By kind invitation from, Humphrey& Judy Scott-Moncrieff
Officers Meeting 20th February 2015 6.30pm Staffordshire Moorlands Conservative Association Officer's Meeting Venue: The Central Club, Market Street, Leek
Executive Meeting 20th February 2015 7.30pm Staffordshire Moorlands Conservative Association Executive Meeting Venue: The Central Club, Market Street, Leek
Annual General Meeting 20th February 2015 8.00pm Staffordshire Moorlands Conservative Association AGM Venue: The Central Club, Market Street Leek
Gala Dinner with Nicky Morgan 13th February 2015 7pm Staffordshire Westminister Club invite you to a Gala Dinner in support of Staffordshire Target Seats 2015 Rt Hon Nicky Morgan M.P. Secretary of State for Education.
SMCA Executive Council Meeting 12th January 2015 8.00pm SMCA Executive Council Meeting TIME AND DATE TO BE CONFIRMED At The Central Club, Market Street, Leek