SMCA AGM 17th March 2014 8.00pm Staffordshire Moorlands Conservative Association Annual General Meeting At The Rudyard Hotel, Rudyard
Ladies Committee Meeting 14th March 2014 10.30am Ladies Committee Meeting At Bridge End Garden Centre Macclesfield Road, Leek
Leek Branch Quiz Night 8th March 2014 7.45 for 8.00pm Leek Branch Quiz Night At The Leek Conservative Club, Mill Street, Leek The event will start at 8pm so please could you arrive a little earlier.
Leek Branch Meeting 3rd March 2014 8.00pm Leek Branch Meeting At Leek Consevative Club Mill Sreet, Leek
Rushton & Heaton Branch AGM 25th February 2014 7.30pm Rushton & Heaton Branch AGM At The Rushton Inn, Rushton Spencer
Ladies Committee Meeting 14th February 2014 10.30am Ladies Committee Meeting At Bridge End Garden Centre Macclesfield Road, Leek
SMCA Ececutive Council Meeting 10th February 2014 8.00pm SMCA Executive Council Meeting At the Rudyard Hotel, Rudyard
Waterhouses Branch AGM 6th February 2014 7.30pm Waterhouses Branch AGM For further details please enquire at our office
Leek Branch AGM 3rd February 2014 8.00pm SMCA Leek Branch AGM At the Leek Conservative Club Mill Street, Leek